Saturday, September 09, 2006

Random Thoughts For Fall

In the world of blogs, does silence in the form of not posting get noticed? It's been one month since I've taken time to put my thoughts on paper (computer?) here. For those who view this site, my apologies. For those who are first-time readers, welcome!

Someone flipped a switch here in my part of Colorado, and we went from temperatures in the 80s and 90s down to the 60s. Overnight, the thermometer measures 40 degrees, and with an open window next to the bed, sleeping is fabulous. I grew up in Chicago in Midwest humidity -- where I can recall it being so muggy in the summer that even a light sheet on top of me while sleeping seemed too hot. The cool Colorado nights eliminate the need for air conditioning. It's great!

Fall can arrive so fast. It's as if when the yellow school buses hit the roads, to temper the shock of children having to leave their summers behind, the crisp air outdoors makes them want to be in the warmth of a classroom. OK, I may be stretching it!

My "theme" table at the book fairs this past month turned from that of gardening to back-to-school. Dictionaries, aprons for teachers, packages of colored marker pens, scrapbooks for school and various memorabilia now catch the attention of parents and grandparents.

Popular new books include a "Pirates of the Caribbean" book complete with telescope and small, round disks with scenes from the summer release movie. It reminds me of the old "viewfinder" toys I played with as a child. Johnny Depp's photo on the cover is the striking draw when the product is positioned on the corner of a display table. I chided an elderly male customer yesterday when he purchased the item, teasing him with my comment of, "Now there's a real pirate!" To which he replied, "There's a pirate in every boy!" -- meaning himself. (I thought so.)

Christmas products will soon be released for sale, and my schedule gets hectic. In November and December, I am double-booked with fairs...phew! That means two events at the same time, in different locations. Yes, I'll be adding staff. Finding the right person(s) is always the challenge.

Tonight we meet the new love of a close friend. He met her on "" -- you've probably seen the distinguished TV commercials about Dr. Neal Clark Warren's matching service, as well as the cute spoofs about e-harmony on Saturday Night Live. Hey, I'm all for it! In this day and age of computers and the Internet, Dr. Warren's service has got to be safer than finding strangers in a chat room. I look forward to seeing who this woman is. Perhaps I'll post about her in a few days. Maybe there's a book in their story!

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