School's out for summer and in many families, that means regular trips to the library. It's what I did when I was young. From the time I could read, I had my nose in a book much of the time. So much so, that I remember my mother scolding me at the age of seven for reading too much, and telling me to "go outside and play." (I had been reading a book about how to tell time.) Sad at having to end my intense study, I obeyed, and silently forgave Mom for not understanding my fascination with books. Didn't she know I was happiest when reading?
Nancy Drew mysteries caught my attention early. No sooner had I finished one, and I'd hurry off to check out the next book in the series. Later, I focused on Perry Mason and Edgar Allan Poe stories. By then, in junior high school, I was buying my own books through book clubs I'd joined. With book and transistor radio in hand, I'd climb up into the ancient weeping willow tree in our back yard to hide from the world, reading away a summer day -- after chores were done, of course.
That love of the printed word has stayed with me throughout my life. Having written for newspapers, magazines, and worked in public relations and marketing (with special event coordination thrown in), I am now in the business of book selling. Not your every-day, chain-store-variety type of book sales. Not even sales on E-bay. I stage and run book fairs. I sell directly to employees and the public at places of business after setting up what amounts to a "mobile" book store, complete with shelves, tables full of products in 12 different categories, sales signs, appropriate decor, and cash register. This season, I carry more than 500 titles -- for children, men, women of all ages.
"Isn't that a lot of work?" you might ask. Well, yes it is. But it's also fun and gives me (and my employees) a lot of pleasure. After all, we're in the business of fulfilling customer needs by providing a means to explore new worlds. Isn't that what reading is all about?
And so, this blog begins. I will share stories about the people I meet. I will talk about their reading interests, and what's popular in the world of book sales (I can't keep enough Raechel Ray cookbooks in stock right now!). Because a book fair is also a "special event," now and then, a horror story of sorts will be thrown in. After all, dealing with the public can be a challenge! The customers from hell are always out there...but it's my job to smile and serve their needs, and I do.
Won't you join me and follow this blog? I promise it will be informative and entertaining. If nothing else, you might find out about a book title that piques your interest enough to go out and buy it...or check it out from your local library.
Happy reading!
Very interesting blog, Pamela. I'll keep checking it out. By the way, our experiences were similar. I, too, remember my mother telling me to put that book down and go out and play. However, my mother, being an avid reader herself, eventually gave up on that. Then, of course, there was Nancy Drew! But now - Veronica Mars!
I love your blog. It enlightens me so much about book selling. Glad to hear about bookselling from someone who has fun doing it (not "just a job"). What's that saying? Never let your passion become a hobby. Well, your passion seems to be your life work. And hey, those themed parties for the choir sound like everyone has a good time. The Oscars one is a great idea.
Thank you, Penny.
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